The work I did in my Twitterive project was a great way to show myself how to really demonstrate a variety of genre conventions and the rhetorical ability that was used in applying these conventions. In my Twitterive I had to really try to speak to my audience about my constant complaining. Since my Twitterive was centered around the act of being a constant whiner I had to make a prologue to show my audience what exactly the purpose of my project was. In the prologue I spoke about how complaining is dealt with day to day in everyone’s life. Trying to speak to the audience I mentioned how they (the audience) may themselves be reacting to reading my Twitterive right now; by mentioning the daily motions we go through when reading another students piece of work. By speaking directly to the reader of my piece I was able to show a brief context of what my Twitterive will be about and the style/context of my future writing.

            The different genres that I have used in my Twitterive are there to show my audience how my project is being broke down into different sections. I start off with a prologue, detailing the main thought of my Twitterive and giving a brief overview of what is to come within it. I then used two other genres like picture-meme collages and comic strips. These are considered visual aids, and each picture tells a story of how I act in my daily life as a constant complainer. While the comic strip actually demonstrates a certain scene from my life, showing why and how I complain and even who it is that causes me to act this way. My other genres were characterized as Bio’s for the certain people in my life that cause me to complain. I described the people in my life that complain just as much as me, stating that they are the gasoline to my fire that is whining. I also even used a genre of story telling, where I told a story about my daily frustration with Rowans parking lots.

These genres prove that I know how to use pictures and words to get my point across through a Twitterive. By using these genres it has helped me understand what it is exactly that I must do to convey certain themes or personal feelings to others. Not everything can be done like an essay, and that’s what doing these genres have really taught me. It’s that to be more academic sometimes you have to be a bit more creative. In the long run, the more creative you are with genres, the better your final product will become.           

     I find that the central character in my twitterive is myself at the moment. I plan on adding more characters, like my friends and family, as I progress to my final project. My story takes place in present day, as you can tell from my story about Rowan’s parking lots.
    I don’t really find myself having a specific “place” in my twitterive. My place is more of a emotion known as “complaining” I constantly bring it up as the center or “hive mind” of my twitterive. I feel such a strong connection to complaining because it’s something I was raised with.
    My family (except my father’s side) is a bit cynical and very whiney when it comes to certain things and it has bled through to both my brother and myself. I constantly find things to complain about because it was done so often by the relatives I grew up with. I show my connection to complaining through story and different genres, like what makes up a complainer and what specific events (told through comic strips) take place that cause me to whine.

Hello Group,

My twitterive may or may not be done yet, so if it isn't yet please disregard the following until it has been completed.
I know my twitterive is not living up to its true potential so I have a few questions I need to address. What I want to know is how could I link all the genres better? Which of my genres is strongest and can be expanded on the most? What kind of images should I include in my twitterive? I can't really think of any complaining pictures, can you? Any information or help you can give (no matter how minuscule) would be highly appreciated.

- John

First off I changed my twitterive to be about complaining since almost every tweet was me whining about something no matter how big or small a problem.

Life is hard, isn't it? Every day we have to wake up and do a bunch of things that we really don't want to do. Hell, I bet you're in your head thinking, "why is my teacher making me read this guys BS twitterive?" If you are, you're not alone and I agree with you a hundred percent. If you don’t agree than you’re probably a better person than myself. I can’t go through one day without finding something that truly bothers me. To put it bluntly, I’m a constant complainer. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t just go on whining about any old thing. No, it takes a special kind of situation or person to really get me going. I even surround myself with constant complainers with stories of their own. Which is precisely why I’ve decided to have my twitterive revolve around my first hand experiences with my most entertaining rants from both myself and friends.

My day is only half over, please kill me now. #twitterive #life
Don't complain if you find yourself single on valentines day, it's not the end of the world. That's still 10 months away.
Another 8 hour work day followed by class. Only 10 more hours until I can relax.....hooray.... #twitterive
Dear Rowan, get some bigger parking lots. Thanks. #twitterive #late
Way too early to be leaving the confides of my bed. #twitterive #sosleepy
Another week riddled with school and work. Not looking forward to it to say the least. #twitterive #life #tired
In life you have to do a lot of things you don't want to do. Many times, that's what the hell life is; one vile task after another. #WRT3
If you do things right, people wont notice you've done anything at all. #twitterive
Tired of cold, where's the warmth? #WRT3 #6wordstory
Twitterive idea – Growing up from childhood

I had a hard time trying to figure out exactly what I want to do for my twitterive but I’ve finally decided on something. I’ve decided to make my twitter revolve around growing up and how life changes/becomes harder once you reach a certain age. Childhood was such an easy time for me and I liked to so much I dreaded going out into the real world and becoming a person. Basically it’s going to be a timeline of my life to present. The tweets I am going to use are, "Arguably, no artist grows up: If he sheds the perceptions of childhood, he ceases being an artist"; “A man opposed to inevitable change needn’t be called a Luddite, another choice might be simply to describe him as slow in his process.”; and “Another week riddled with school and work. Not looking forward to it to say the least.” I want to talk about how although how we desperately want to be a child we have to grow up and move on with our lives.

For genres I was thinking about showing photos of me as a child then the photos progress to an older current me at present. Showing how I slowly progress into an adult life style. So I was thinking of doing a photo story, dream journal, six word story, recollection of first real job, fictional short story about me in the future with a real job.

As I told you earlier the photography part will just show pictures of me as a baby – to my adulthood age now. Under each picture I’ll probably write a short caption of what I was currently doing with my life. For example, childhood would probably be happy and worry free until I got older and started going to work and school.

For my dream journal I wanted to describe a childhood nightmare I had about growing up that once your childhood is over “life isn’t fun anymore” and you forget about the things that once made you happy. I plan on making it more scary and putting emphasis on the scariness of the real world (going to college and working at a job).

For my six word story I was thinking of describing my brother and his first real job after college. I would use a picture of my brother when he passed out on the couch upon coming home from his first day of work. Showing how he no longer keeps the perception of happiness from childhood. I would then make a reference how having a job sucks the life out of you.

My next genre would be a short story in which I describe my first job, which scarred me. If I can I’ll pull up pictures of the restaurant I used to work at and talk about the incident that made me hate working there.

Finally for my fictional story genre, I want to make up a story about what’s to come after college in my life. I’d make up a story about how my life changed for the better or worse and how I was or wasn't able to keep my perception of childhood at my new place in life.

A fool
Sheds the perceptions of childhood

Free to be a bum

In life you have to do a lot of things you don’t want to do
Way too much

Many times
If you do things right, people wont notice at all

A man opposed to inevitable change
Get out of my head

Riddled with school and work
I don’t miss this

John Coolen @JohnCoolen

Weird song, but I can't get the chorus out of my head.…

Another week riddled with school and work. Not looking forward to it to say the least. #twitterive #life #tired

Finally free to be a bum and watch TV. #twitterive

A man opposed to inevitable change needn’t be called a Luddite, another choice might be simply to describe him as slow in his process.#WRT3

A fool and his money are soon to be parted. #twitterive #mylife

"Arguably, no artist grows up: If he sheds the perceptions of childhood, he ceases being an artist". #twitterive #WRT3

In life you have to do a lot of things you don't want to do. Many times, that's what the hell life is; one vile task after another. #WRT3

If you do things right, people wont notice you've done anything at all. #twitterive

Why does everyone walking around Woodbury right now look homeless?

This time 5 months ago I was on my deck by the beach sipping coffee and eating cinnabuns. Where has the time gone? #twitterive #WRT3

The beach, the waves, are forgotten. #WRT3

High School, I don't miss this. #WRT3 #twitterive #6wordstory

This time 5 months ago I was on my deck by the beach sipping coffee and eating cinnabuns. Where has the time gone? #twitterive #WRT3

My fingers and I are tired, we need sleep. #WRT3 #twitterive

Been coming home to a cooked meal for over 16 years; thanks mom. #WRT3 #twitterive

If you do things right, people wont notice you've done anything at all. #twitterive

Just saw a BMW run a red light only to be T-boned by a passing car. What a dick. #twitterive

"Arguably, no artist grows up: If he sheds the perceptions of childhood, he ceases being an artist". #twitterive #WRT3

A fool and his money are soon to be parted. #twitterive #mylife

Sleep. Part dos. #twitterive #WRT3 #sosleepy

Finally free to be a bum and watch TV. #twitterive

Drive was a better movie than I expected; soundtrack was decent as well. #twitterive

Another week riddled with school and work. Not looking forward to it to say the least. #twitterive #life #tired

From these tweets I can gather that I tend to mention past events like how I don't miss high school and how my mom has made me lunch for over 16 years. Besides past events I tend to complain about how I'm tired a lot and need sleep. I also mention work and school and even my mom at one point in my tweets. I even talk about how I'm broke at one point. Other than those things, I seem to talk about daily life occurrences that I go through day-to-day. I'm kind of stuck on where I need to go from here, not sure what subject I could narrow these tweets down to.

I've decided to go the route of sleep, since I mention it so often in my tweets. It sounds like a kind of boring subject but I could make it somewhat interesting in terms of genre. I could write a story about a dream I've had and take it from there.
John Coolen @JohnCoolen
Why does everyone walking around Woodbury right now look homeless?

“This pizza tastes like garbage!” shouted the homely looking man on the corner of the street. The pizza dropped out of his hand like it was on fire, falling to the dirt-covered sidewalk where the other bums picked it apart like vultures.
“That’s because it is garbage, we got it out of a trashcan on Curtis Ave.”
The man darted his eves over to the bum addressing him.
“Well, I did not know that! I thought someone might of given you some petty cash for food. Shame on me for thinking optimistically.”
Confused, the man stood in shock over what had just come out of his mouth. Where am I? How did I get here? Since when was I living on the streets? How did I lose my job? What job did I have? Why can’t I remember a single goddamn thing?!
Frantically, the man began grabbing near by bums and shouting, “Who am I? How did I get here?!”, none knew the answer.
The mans franticness soon turned to chaos as he ran out into the street trying to stop cars, shouting “What am I doing here?!”
“Behind you!” a stranger shouted at the man. He turned around to see a huge semi speeding towards him honking its horn. Ohhhh, shitttt! The man shut his eyes knowing he was done for.
“BEEP, BEEP, beeeep, beeeep”. After awhile, the man slowly creaked open his eyes only to find himself in bed with a beeping alarm clock.

John Coolen @JohnCoolen
Just saw a BMW run a red light only to be T-boned by a passing car. What a dick. #twitterive

“SLAM!” a man leaves a house and traverses to his BMW parked across the street.
“I can’t believe that bitch, telling me I can only see our daughter on the weekends.” The man gripped his steering wheel tightly with one hand as he turned the ignition with his other. “I’m a god damn lawyer, and a good one at that; I’ve gotten convicted murderers our of jail. I’ll win this case easily and have both my daughter and the alimony. That bitch will be out on her ass!”
Without using a blinker the man turned onto the black horse pike.
“I’m never around for our daughter, the nerve! I’m never around because I’m busy trying to support our goddamn family!” The man slowly began speeding up, 60, 65, 70, 75 until he came behind another vehicle.
“I’ll show her…what the hell is this guy doing? Move it! I needed to be at the office an hour ago!” Flustered the man made a maneuver to go around the car in front of him. Turning to his side while passing he shouted to the car “What the hell are you doing?! Drive faster you moron!” Turning back the man noticed there was red light, but it was too late to stop. Screw this, I can make it!

     I leave this place every morning before work, before school, when I open my eyes to get ready for the day ahead. My room is my one true love in this somewhat functional place we call earth, mainly because of what it holds inside. Here I can be myself and not worry about what anyone else is thinking. Here I don’t have to worry if I’m dressed or not, flaunting around in my underwear. I could shout from my lungs profanity and not have to endure any type of repercussion.
    The only person who uses this room is I; so of course the bed smells like a thousand rose pedals and fresh lavender. The room and bed are neat, nothing is ever thrown around careless; unless I choose it to be. The taste is of fabric softener, though I try not to eat my pillow while sleeping anymore. Here I can do anything I want without ever being bothered. I could blast the music of my choose until I became deaf. I could turn on my flat screen T.V. and watch whatever I chose as fit, I could do homework, or surf the web at my pleasure.  Really this place is whatever I want it to be, because it is my own. Only my closest friends and family know where it is I lay my head at night, making this place a secret from those who don’t know me well enough.
    In my room it's as if I am my own king, free to do whatever I want. It's like my own private sanctuary where I can be myself away from, or with others if I so choose. Not everyone can say they have their own room and for that I feel fortunate. My room has such a strong place in my heart t