Who were the best professors I’ve ever had? Now that’s a tough question, there have been so many. One that really stuck in my head above any was my writers mind teacher. I don’t want to name drop so I’ll call him Prof. K. Well Prof. K was actually the toughest professor I’ve yet to come across. He made us write multiple drafts every week and we met twice a week to discuss and go over any editing mistakes we may have missed. It was hard getting up on the pedestal so to speak but Prof. K showed me it was actually needed for me to progress as a writer. He personally took me aside or had me come to his office to go over papers and tell me what I needed to work on and praising me for what I had done. He showed me how many drafts it could take just to produce a paper in a way we’d be personally proud of. The best paper I’ve ever written was also done in Prof. K’s class. It was a personal narrative; we were learning how to take out exposition in our writing as we observed a situation around us. The first draft was way off but after talking to Prof. K I was able to hone in on what needed to be done and nailed it. I cannot recall the actual words a professor or teacher or person who encouraged me to write but I do remember my High School English teacher telling me my strongest suit was writing and I should follow it. When I decided I wanted to go into writing I was an English major at Temple University. I thought the major was going to deal with writing and reading but mostly it just dealt with reading. I saw myself reading all these words and I felt lost. I wanted to be the one writing the words, not studying them. From there I began writing everyday and changed my major within the week of starting at temple. My mother and father have read my work as well and they’ve been extremely supportive and pushed me to go in a writing direction, and they still do everyday. Taking mostly English courses all my life and reading and writing everyday has prepared me for this “writers life” so to speak. I also wrote everyday since I was a kid to high school, so I’ve been able to hone in on my craft a bit.  Also I think being such a determined person has helped me succeed and push me further into the writing career. I’d like to think I’m prepared for what’s to come.

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