Creating a resume or online application takes a lot of work. Sometimes you have to go through your own memory to figure out what exactly you have to offer an employer. If I were to write an application essay, my opening line would probably say something along the lines of “Writing has been a part of my life since as far back as I can remember.” From there I would probably go on to talk about how I became connected to writing in my past and what I've done with it in the ways of school as well as personal life. The qualities that I think makes up an effective query letter is the way you word it, the presence you project of yourself, and of course the introduction of not only yourself but your book. It has to grasp the reader, pull them in almost, something that they will not be able to forget. Basically you’re story has to be different from the rest. I've only just started working on my resume so I can’t really put my finger on what exactly would make me stand out among others. But, if I had to guess I assume it would be what I did in school and my hands on experience with web designing as well as writing. I think that if I could not only write on a professional level as well as design my own website from scratch, employers would see that as a win-win. I have a lot of aspects I wish were better, for one I wish I had more “professional” type jobs, where I did more than stock shelves. Though to get those types of jobs I need experience, so how exactly does one get experience without having any previous forms of it? I believe I could get an entry level type of position if I provided all my experiences and web sites that I achieved through school. Talking myself up academically would probably help employers over look my lack of professional writing experience. If I sent out what I thought to be a well done resume only to have it ignored I would do what most people do and keep on trying. If I saw anything that looked somewhat questionable or unimportant I would take it out or reword it so employers could get a better grasp at what I was trying to show them. Having the resilience to keep trying and not give up is sometimes what makes a writer so special.  The hardest task when creating a resume or cover letter is figuring out what message you’re trying to produce about yourself. What exactly do you want these employers to know? What don’t I want them to know? Figuring out right from wrong isn't always as plain to see as one would think. The easiest task of making a resume is writing about the previous places you've been employed, it doesn't take much thinking. If there was one tip I would give a graduating senior about their personal statement for college apps it would be to beef themselves up and lie a little. NOT a lot, tell a white lie, something that’s true but maybe you’ve made it sound a little bit better than before. Make yourself stand out a little from the rest of the students who would be applying for that college. 

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